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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Omar Sanchez Guzman

Omar Sanchez Guzman is a quiet boy.  He is smart and keeps up with his big brother Jose Manuel who is 12 yrs old.  Omar also has a sister that is 15 yrs old that passed with honours in her class this year.  Education is very important to Omar’s mother Maribel Sanchez Liriano.   She works hard at a local food shop.  She has saved her money for years, and this year was able to complete the construction of her first home.  She is a single mother.  Omar’s father was killed when he was only 1 yr old, by a gunshot that went off when 2 other men were arguing.

Omar is 6 yrs old, and was born 15th Sept 2003.  He goes to school in the afternoons for 3 hours, and is in 1st grade.  His health is good.

As Omar’s house is new, it won’t need a home makeover, but his bedroom upstairs could use some fixing up.  The family have lived in the house for only 3 short months and Maribel is very proud of her accomplishments.